How Business Can Change the World: Sumsarbek Mamyraliev on Finance, Ecology, and Youth Support

Редакция IDEA
Редакция IDEA
Sumsarbek Mamyraliev is a man who not only builds businesses but also helps shape the future.
Photo from the archive: Sumsarbek Obbo Mamyraly. 
Photo from the archive: Sumsarbek Obbo Mamyraly. 
As a member of the Supervisory Board of IDEA Central Asia, he ensures that the organization secures funding, businesses recognize their responsibilities, and young people gain real opportunities for growth. In this article, he explains why ecology and economics must work together, why the private sector should be involved in social projects, and how to make the world a better place.  

Ecology is Not Just About Nature, But Also About Money  

Central Asia faces serious environmental challenges, and Sumsarbek Mamyraliev believes that without business involvement, these problems cannot be solved. For him, ecology is not just a topic for discussion at conferences but a field for concrete projects with measurable results. At IDEA CA, he supports initiatives on sustainable consumption, water resource protection, and the development of eco-entrepreneurship.
Photo from the archive: Sumsarbek Obbo Mamyraly. 
Photo from the archive: Sumsarbek Obbo Mamyraly. 
In 2022 and 2023, alongside Sumsarbek, IDEA CA launched the "Ecologic" initiative, aimed at raising environmental awareness among media and youth. In 2024, Sumsarbek participated as a jury member for the selection of digital environmental solutions for responsible businesses.  
Sumsarbek Mamyraliev:
"We need to stop thinking that ecology is solely a concern of the civic sector and eco-activists. Businesses must also get involved. When resources become scarce, and a country loses its appeal as a tourist destination, it's not just people who suffer—it affects the entire economy"
One of his priorities is working with young entrepreneurs developing eco-technology projects. Under his mentorship, IDEA CA has begun training programs on how to launch green businesses—not just to develop ideas but to make them financially viable. This is part of the "Ecologic" project, supported by the Delegation of the European Union to the Kyrgyz Republic.  

Fundraising: Money Loves Structure  

As a business representative, Mamyraliev brings an important component to IDEA CA — a strategic approach to finance. "You can come up with a thousand great initiatives, but if there's no money, nothing will happen." he says. His main role on the board is to help the organization secure sustainable funding.  
Photo from the archive: Sumsarbek Obbo Mamyraly. 
Photo from the archive: Sumsarbek Obbo Mamyraly. 
In recent years, thanks to his efforts, IDEA CA has signed long-term agreements with funds and companies interested in youth development and sustainable business. Unlike one-time grants, these models allow for long-term planning and project scaling.  
Sumsarbek Mamyraliev:
"When donors see that an organization has a clear strategy and an effective financial model, trust increases. And that means more opportunities for new initiatives."
One of the recent successes is attracting investments in social entrepreneurship. Now, young activists don’t just have to seek grants; they can also attract private investors interested in sustainable projects.  

Business and Society: Time to Stop Living in Parallel Worlds  

For Mamyraliev, it is clear that traditional charity is outdated.
Sumsarbek Mamyraliev:
"Giving money for a one-time event is not a solution. Business must participate in systemic changes."
Photo from the archive: IDEA Central Asia 
Photo from the archive: IDEA Central Asia 
At his initiative, IDEA CA has intensified its collaboration with the private sector. This includes corporate education programs that provide young people with modern skills and career prospects. Additionally, in 2024, with Sumsarbek's support, IDEA CA began building partnerships with major businesses and training companies in socially-oriented approaches. At the end of 2024, IDEA CA, together with InDrive, hosted a series of public screenings of impact documentary films.  
Sumsarbek Mamyraliev:
"Responsible business is not a trend but a necessity. If companies want to grow and remain successful, they need to invest in society. After all, tomorrow's employees, clients, and partners are the same young people we support today."

Investments Are Not Just About Profit  

Sumsarbek Mamyraliev believes that real change happens when three factors come together: motivated youth, financial support, and businesses willing to take responsibility.  
His work at IDEA CA is not just about consulting and attending meetings; it is about creating conditions that make the organization stronger, projects more sustainable, and young people more confident in their abilities.  
Sumsarbek Mamyraliev:
"We can talk about problems endlessly, but the world is changed by those who take action. And for that, we need not only ideas but also resources. I am happy to be someone who helps find them."

 The Future is Being Built Today  

Central Asia faces significant challenges but also immense opportunities. According to Mamyraliev, it is the synergy of youth, innovation, and responsible business that can give the region a new developmental boost.  
Today, his name is associated not only with successful business projects but also with the formation of a new leadership culture—a culture in which entrepreneurs take responsibility for the future.